Local Collaboration Project 本地合作企劃
New Local Bulk Shop by Pimary: Be Our Partner !
Made in Hong Kong | 香港製造 Handcraft | 手工製作 Organic | 有機 Vegan | 純素 Zero Waste | 零包裝
Good News! Pimary Team is in the midst of preparing our new bulk shop project.
Pimary believes that harmony and inner peace lie closest to the Mother Nature, the basic of life. We are proud to work with sustainable and ethical producers which are environmental conscious, respect for other animal and care about the planet.
In the coming December 2021, we are excited to launch a local bulk shop at The Mills and promote plastic-free shopping experience. We would love to engage more Hong Kong food products with kindred minds to join us, hoping to support our hometown handmade products and share more sustainable food options to our customers.
Cooperation Detail 合作方式
- Consignment 寄賣形式
- Wholesale 批發
The supplier shall provide 供應商應提供
- Brand information 品牌理念及產品資訊
- Ingredients list 成分表
- Temperature for storage 儲存溫度
- Product images 產品圖片
- Food license number 食品許可證號
If your products are made in Hong Kong, vegan, organic or in plastic-free packaging, do not hesitate to email us at info@pimaryhk.com with the title "Collaborate with Bulk Shop! (Your Brand Name)".
You can also discuss more details of collaboration through phone calls or meetings with us.
POP- UP Booth 週未快閃攤位!
Natural | 大自然 Handmade | 手作 Organic | 有機
It's been six years since Pimary started as a small village concept store to the sustainable select stores in the city now ! Living in Hong Kong, we are well-aware about the local small businesses struggling through the high rents. Hoping to keep the diversities and promote our proud "made in Hong Kong" culture, we offer booths and space in our shop at The Mills to small local businesses who share the same vision with us !
With affordable and negotiable rent, we are open to collaborate with different Hong Kong brands to pop-up in our store.
企劃詳情 Campaign Details
- Pop up location: The mills
- Short-term lease for Two Weeks / Weekend only
- Promotion & Visual merchandising supports
週末 POP-UP 申請 Application

#popup001 Melon.flower
#popup002 Dim.light
#popup003 No_thingblue
#popup004 Alive.food
#popup005 Melon.flower mothers day
#popup006 Sofe.coffee
#popup007 Pets Theme
#popup008 Saturday Morning
#popup009 Geoloaists
#popup010 Lammamugmug
#popup011 Fresh Bite
#popup012 Breathing Tea
#popup013 Dodolulu.design
#popup014 Fuuu Plant
#popup001 Ovule bakery
#popup002 That's it 純粹
#popup003 Easter week Alive Food