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Valentine's Day is an annual festival to celebrate romantic love. Pimary has selected wide range of natural goodies for you and your loved one to enjoy the season of LOVE.
廣藿香精油 12毫升
有機薄荷精油 12毫升
有機檸檬精油 12毫升
有機尤加利精油 12毫升
茶樹精油 12毫升
檸檬草精油 12毫升
香橙精油 12毫升
蠟燭座 - 薔薇石英彩色玻璃
蠟燭座 - 海洋藍綠色玻璃
蠟燭座 - 埃及藍玻璃
扭曲蠟燭 - 冰綠色
扭曲蠟燭 - 冰白色
扭曲蠟燭 - 冰藍色